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What inspired you to choose your career path?

Both of my parents were educators. In an attempt to be my own person, I decided early on that I would choose a different path. I studied theatre and journalism in college and pursued both professionally for a time. It became apparent to me very early on that I hadn't quite found my calling. I joined the Peace Corps in 2006 in an attempt to figure out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. I was sent to a small rice farming community in Madagascar to...TEACH! I taught 6th grade and 10th grade English as a Foreign Language and decided that was it for me! I loved connecting with my students, I loved the energy of the classroom and I felt that I had finally found what I was meant to do. When I returned stateside a few years later I went back to school to get my master's degree and teaching license and became a theatre teacher soon after.

What is your most memorable experience at Eagleview?

I have loved all of my years here at EMS, but my strongest memories are of the casts and crews of plays and musicals I've done over the years. Each production stands out in my mind for different reasons and each group of kids holds a special place in my heart.

What are your interests outside of the classroom/office?

I have two small boys and they are my world. I love adventuring with them and seeing the world through their eyes. I also love to travel and am planning a trip to Ireland this summer with my husband.

How does your work at Eagleview impact student's lives?

I realize that not every student who takes my class will become a performer, but it is my hope that they gain skills that will serve them in their life. Whether it's the ability to think quickly on their feet, think outside the box, or work collaboratively with others, the arts teach students life skills that they'll need to get and retain jobs in this world. Theatre also teaches empathy, responsibility, and respect for others. It can help make people better humans. I think that's worth the time.