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What inspired you to choose your career path?

I was in optics for about 20 years, but I was tired of the monotony of retail and insurance. So I work at a middle school! No monotony there. I wanted something where I could make a difference and use my organization and memorization talents.

What is your most memorable experience at Eagleview?

So many days are memorable. The students, the staff, the parents, the feel of a middle school. One day, I said hello like usual to a student. Later that day, he brought me a handmade card, which said he looked forward to my “hello” every day. I appreciated that so much! I keep that card in my desk so if ever I feel low, I look at it and remember why I come to work each day.

What are your interests outside of the office?

I love reading! I read anything and everything. I can often be heard saying “The book was better than the movie.”  I love thrifting and finding local tea shops as well. I love cooking and baking and trying everything chocolate. I have recently returned to my love of stargazing and following the movement of the stars and planets. With summer coming up, I’ll be outside all night, staring at the sky.

How does your work at Eagleview impact students’ lives?

I don’t get to work with very many students directly, but I am the first person that both students and adults usually see when they come to Eagleview. I think of these students as my own kids, and I take that very seriously. You never know who had a good morning or who had a bad one. You can’t always tell who is struggling and who is doing well. Everyone needs and deserves a “Good morning!” and “Have a great day!” One smile could mean more to someone than you know. Most of all, I hope all the students know how much I love them. All of them. Even you, running down the hall, not where you are supposed to be, where is your hall pass, sharing your Takis, high-fiving the ceiling, laughing at the lame joke from your favorite teacher, getting through your day. Yea, you.