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What inspired you to choose your career path?

I have wanted to be a teacher for as long as I can remember! I was one of those kids who set up little classrooms at my house and made my younger siblings be my students. That love for being an educator just kept going throughout my life.

What is your most memorable experience at Eagleview?

A memorable experience at Eagleview that I have had was overhearing a student help another student that was struggling. It was so incredible to hear his support for the other learner in a way that gently guided and encouraged! I loved overhearing that conversation!

What are your interests outside of the classroom/office?

I love woodworking and have built almost all of the furniture in my house. I also like to spend my time playing volleyball, tennis, and snowboarding. A couple of my hobbies include making jewelry and gardening with hydroponics.

How does your work at Eagleview impact student's lives?

I hope to make an impact on student's lives by helping them realize that they each have unique qualities and strengths that are so important! I want learners to leave my class knowing they can take risks in trying creative ways to solve problems, that they are great communicators with listening and speaking skills, and that they are critical thinkers who can tackle difficult tasks!